Welcome to Audio Focus

We’re a Santa Fe-based audio company founded by Brian Mayhall and Paul Groetzinger. Our team consists of audio creatives and technicians who are passionate about producing high-quality sound design and immersive audio experiences. With decades of combined industry experience, we've built a diverse network of talented audio specialists that allows us to tackle projects of any size and scope, ensuring that we have the right expertise for each unique challenge. Our commitment to excellence has earned us a reputation as a trusted partner with world-renowned entertainment companies.

What We Do

Audio Focus designs creative solutions for immersive audio puzzles. From Blue Sky to Final Mix, we manage and preserve the audio narrative creatively and technically throughout the production of our clients' projects. Our clients include a wide range of businesses and organizations, and we are proud to have worked with some of the most innovative companies in the industry.


  • Sound Design, Music Production and Composition

  • Systems Design and Development

  • Custom Software and Playback Solutions 

  • Hardware Integration

Why Focus on Audio?

Music and sound design can connect pathways, play tricks, trigger memories, calm or excite, impart patterns and guide emotions. Sound can magnify our feelings, creating an immersive experience that goes beyond the sum of its parts. It’s our job to help our clients actualize the full enveloping potential of sound for their attraction, event or happening with seamless integration of audio content, technical design and implementation.